The hourly charge is the worst enemy of computer people and windbags.
Other customers paid $12 per month, plus a $1 hourly charge for access.
Or you can go five million out front, in which case you can forget any hourly charges.
The companion receives $6 of the $10.50 hourly charge.
There are over 20,000 Internet cafés in South Korea where computer games can be played for an hourly charge.
"What will the hourly charge for the airplane be to your campaign, Mr. Calhoun?"
Internet service now generally costs $15 to $35 a month, with added hourly charges in most cases.
And the accounting department, its computer merrily tabulating hourly charges, absolutely refused to discharge a patient whose insurance was provided by the city.
They may be hourly charges, flat rates or, more and more often, a percentage of a client's portfolio.
My hourly charge is currently £X per hour.