Our presence, which had to be totally invisible to any outsider, really made the house crowded.
Where once mean and narrow houses had crowded together he now saw broad windows that looked out across neat, cobbled streets.
Every parcel is dense with vegetation, houses crowded onto every available lot.
Miss Foley had first noticed, some years ago, that her house crowded with bright shadows of herself.
The houses crowded the design magazines, and elated homeowners opened their doors to curious strangers.
Now, with houses and strip malls crowding the landscape, the stress on even the smallest of dams has increased.
Now cheap little houses crowded in on it from all sides.
"It feels like the tropics here -all the trees and the small houses crowded together," he said.
The street-path, actually-took them to lower ground where the houses and shops crowded closely together.
The small houses crowded between inns and shops often had tiles or slates missing from their roofs.