Bhutto was sworn in as the Prime Minister of the country on 14 August 1973, after he had secured 108 votes in a house of 146 members.
As of October 2010, the SDP had six members in the house of representatives and four members in the house of councilors.
In December 2011 German police raided houses of six former members of the division, all aged 85 or 86, to determine exactly what role the men played that day.
His voice was small and thin; but a house of five hundred members was hushed to catch his every word.
"Ms Kunhanujathi Nethiar avarkal " is the senior most noble lady of that house of many illustrious members .
The polling (in January and February 1904) resulted in a Progressive majority of five in a house of 95 members.
With some 38 million votes cast, Mr. Prodi's coalition led in the Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of 630 members, by just 25,000 votes.
The national parliament was to comprise one house of 300 members with equal representation from both the west and east wings.
The election ended with the Congress Party winning 140 seats in a lower house of 543 elected members, equal to its worst-ever performance, in the last election in 1996.
The Constitution Act Amendment Act 1893 was passed to transform the Council into an elective house of 21 members on a restricted franchise, effective from the 1894 elections.