The potteries by now were producing not just amphorae but also household pottery.
"The Printed Pot: Transfer-Printed Tablewares, 1750-1990," featuring 100 pieces of household pottery and porcelain.
The remains of the temples of the Acropolis are recognized worldwide and hundreds of statues, along with ordinary household pottery, jewelry, and tools hold a fascination for anyone who enjoys exploring the past.
The factory in Allach was instead retrofitted for the production of ceramic products such as household pottery.
Other universities conduct research in archaeological materials, but it has long been a specialty at M.I.T. Students here are introduced to the multidisciplinary investigation of ancient technologies as applied in transforming resources into cultural hallmarks from household pottery to grand pyramids.
At the time Crown Lynn was the Southern Hemisphere's largest producer of household pottery.
While household pottery was probably produced domestically, the appearance of metalwork and new, highly-decorated forms of drinking vessels called (by archaeologists) 'beakers' indicate the presence of 'specialists' in Britain.