Prices for staple household purchases like gasoline and food rose to even higher levels last month, effectively causing most Americans to take a pay cut.
She earmarks that money for a household purchase, something likely to cost more than her weekly paycheck, or even her monthly rent.
People with items to sell are keenly aware that women play a crucial decider role in household purchases.
In recent years, technology companies have continued to grow on the strength of household purchases.
Most corporate and household purchases of renewable energy are voluntary purchases.
While women have always influenced decisions about big-ticket household purchases, their direct spending has expanded substantially in recent years.
"You're very knowledgeable on household purchases," I said.
Statistics have shown that household purchases of fresh hake fillet are higher than others.
They pool household purchases and buy in bulk.
Established in 1974, it is India's only household panel study that collects information about household purchases.