The household relies on her strength, I think, and finds itself somehow adrift while she is so distracted by grief.
The households relied more on free paid laborers.
Many single-head households, low-income families, families with young children and the elderly rely on television for entertainment, solace and companionship.
No one seems to know exactly how many households rely on burn barrels.
Many households in rural Nepal and India rely on medicinal alpine plant trade as a source of income.
Wage and salary income is going up faster, not more slowly, than spending, and that is what most households rely on.
Most schools and community buildings have no water supply at all, and many households rely on polluted groundwater due to the shortage of treated water.
Many households, and some small communities, rely on rainwater for their drinking water supplies.
A Scottish island where households rely on wind farms and rivers for nearly all their electricity has won an award from the 'green energy Oscars'.
Currently more than two million British households, one in ten homes, rely on some form of cable system for TV reception.