As of 2006, married couple families, which also have the highest median income of any household type, were most likely to own a home.
These data will be used to develop profiles of the living standards of similar household types at different income levels.
Indicators of standards of living are estimated for each income level for each household type.
Most of these indicators are discriminated by various criteria (gender, age group, household type, etc.).
Households aged 75 and over are more likely to live in unfit homes and lack basic amenities than other household types.
As with employment, there are significant differences between men and women, and between household types, in the receipt of occupational pensions.
Who They Are Percent of each household type in rental units.
The cauldron is directly heated by an oil burner of the household type.
As a result, while the numbers are somewhat dated, they also allow detailed regional and local analysis of everything from household type to commuting patterns.
The goal, he said, is a house that "doesn't make assumptions on likely or projected household types" but "can evolve, like society."