It has 52,594 household units and total area of 251.28 km2.
In household units, women are more likely to make sacrifices for the rest of the family.
It is how women and men make decisions that affect the entire household unit.
It has 41,058 household units and a total area 225.38 km2.
It has 28061 household units and a total area 1775.41 km2.
It has 46592 household units and total area 1968.24 km2.
It has 61210 household units and a total area 460.91 km2.
It has 34750 household units and total area 165.84 km2.
It has 38,555 household units and a total area of 278.53 km2.
"We certainly see a lot of Hispanic workers," she said, "but they are probably not living in traditional household units."