With approximately 260 residents, it is the largest housing co-op in Berkeley and one of the largest student housing cooperatives in the world.
He was responsible for building large racially integrated housing co-ops in Manhattan, the Bronx and Brooklyn in the 1960's and 70's.
They met while living in a vegetarian housing co-op.
It also increased the proportion of elderly residents and turned the project into a cooperative - the first public housing co-op in America.
In my opinion there should be more housing co-ops, federations and tenant managed schemes of affordable, dignified housing.
These programs eventually led to early housing co-ops.
They, too, formed a housing co-op rather than be dispersed to the outer edges in identikit "corpy" houses.
Mr. Gussaroff pointed out that housing co-ops have been in existence for about 150 years.
It is the only housing co-op for Northwestern University students, though it is not affiliated with the university.
Living in a housing co-op helps people develop a real sense of community.