Juniors and seniors enter into a housing lottery to determine if they can live on campus.
The others either selected Casa Zapata or were assigned there in a housing lottery.
Freshman enter a housing lottery in their spring semester to determine where they will live during their sophomore year.
Both single rooms and doubles are available for students to choose in the housing lottery.
The housing lottery is in the spring term, and many sophomores sign leases in the fall for off-campus apartments.
But in the housing lottery, not a single house went to a black family.
The housing lottery was established by a local law enacted last spring.
It is usually one of the most sought-after rooms in the House's annual housing lottery.
But few blacks or Hispanics attended the open houses or signed up for the housing lottery, and the community started off mostly white.
Seniors, who have priority in off-campus housing lotteries, are most likely to live in a university house and fall under the new policy.