Still, equity investors need to be cautious and selective when it comes to investing during a housing slowdown.
No one can predict the depth of the housing slowdown or its effect on the global economy.
"I can see it going a little longer than others" do, he noted, referring to the housing slowdown.
A flattened yield curve and major housing slowdown are the horizon.
The inventory of houses for sale is at the highest level in history and some economists say a housing slowdown could bring on a recession.
Already, the housing slowdown has begun damaging the job market.
Some economists expect the effects of the housing slowdown to remain limited.
Here in the metropolitan area, many analysts are predicting that a housing slowdown will bring about a regional recession.
A housing slowdown will lead to the loss of many jobs in construction and service industries but won't have much direct effect on the trade deficit.
A housing slowdown is figuring prominently into many analysts' forecasts for slower economic growth in 2006.