The sounds of a howling wolf echo as the full moon rises over the city jail.
On the outer aspect of his upper arm was a howling wolf with the word "lobo" below it.
The soundtrack in this room is not apple chewing but a howling wolf and a howling wind.
This series is easy to identify because all related products have a howling wolf as its principal image and character art by Jack Kirby.
He carried medicines in saddlebags and had howling wolves following him during the winter months.
"Next time, if you'd like, I'll sneak up behind you and do my imitation of a howling wolf."
The hell hound's voice was a great, thundering command as he finished the chant and raised his head like a howling wolf.
For one startled moment they were frozen in horror as the howling wolves and their nightmare leader raced through the hall toward them.
Had there been a howling wolf nearby, his ornery horse would have let him know.
The citizens ran from the flood, following wolves' howling, up the mountain slope.