Further, the replacement of the hub-and-spoke model simply never took place.
As the hub-and-spoke model has always been supported by low-cost regional airliners, turboprop designs once again became a major market.
Cars drive directly from origin to destination, while buses generally work on a hub-and-spoke model that can up to double trip length.
Gore likes to run his offices on what one former aide described as a hub-and-spoke model, with himself as the hub.
In the hub-and-spoke model, the EAI system is at the center (the hub), and interacts with the applications via the spokes.
Airlines have extended the hub-and-spoke model in various ways.
Most usually aircraft are routed via the hub-and-spoke model of aircraft routing.
Tomb Raider uses an interconnected hub-and-spoke model that combines action-adventure, exploration, and survival mechanics.
The hub-and-spoke model is most frequently compared to the point-to-point transit model.
The hub-and-spoke model has also been used in economic geography theory to classify a particular type of industrial district.