Yards full of peonies and lush huckleberry bushes in the summer, hidden under deep blankets of snow in the winter.
It couldn't be much past four o'clock, 1 thought, and yet the shadows under the huckleberry bushes were already cold and blue.
Now, thanks to his wife, the castle is surrounded by native tamarack trees, cedars and pines and rocky fields of huckleberry bushes.
A huckleberry bush grew between two of the boulders.
The huckleberry bush grew deep in the soil, holding smaller stones in place with its strong roots.
In late fall, the huckleberry bushes provide excellent berries as well as intense orange color in some years.
This blaze rapidly, cracklingly swept downwind, consuming green pines, russet, oil-filled huckleberry bushes and almost everything else in its path.
He was sawing at a huckleberry bush with his hunting knife.
Ms. Johnson snuggles him next to her face before walking into the brush to set him down on a bed of pine needles under a huckleberry bush, where he will wake up.