She tried to push toward the door again, but the cardinals huddled closer, their faces frightened.
But there were no trees here to make nests, and the gentle, eerie sound only made the people huddle still closer.
But between us and it the pack seemed to huddle closer in a protective bank.
When Count 5 was read, her daughter, Carley, huddled closer.
All five of the men huddled closer on the far side of the room.
He considered Stern with his pleasant, rosy look and huddled closer.
The office was nearly silent as they huddled closer around Fischer.
An ornate cluster of clouds huddled closer around the sun, as if to shield it.
I reached to touch her, but she huddled closer into herself, and I dropped my hand.
Now a sharper lash of wind cut down and they huddled closer.