For days and nights she was mine; then a huge ape stole her from me.
Insisting that the huge ape was just another illusion, Oswald tried to punch it.
There he sat like a huge ape staring at the sky, for the firelight shone on his deep and burning eyes.
The man looked like a huge redheaded ape.
"Like a huge red ape with big glaring eyes," said Pollard.
And seeing Constantin, the thing dropped to the ground like a huge ape and vanished among the trees.
With a start he sat up to see a huge, anthropoid ape squatting at his side, inspecting him intently.
He'd have to be out of the way before the huge ape charged.
But he wasn't the huge muscle-bound ape he looked like.
But the most startling thing was a huge gray ape which sat upon a bench and knitted.