The accident that spawned the huge award was little noticed outside Louisiana and did not cause widespread injury or death.
On Wall Street, the huge award will likely hang over the value of the companies' stock.
So you're saying that if the jury comes up with a huge award, the judge might overturn it?
"Why, he's the man who has offered a huge award for any spirit phenomena that he cannot explain or duplicate!"
But legal experts said they knew of no related cases involving such a huge award.
These suits, however, are less likely to provide huge tobacco-size financial awards.
But it doesn't provide huge punitive awards for unintentional discrimination.
However, she receives a huge award for her role in the movie - meaning she has attained culture.
Judges sometimes trim such huge awards, and Exxon will surely appeal.
But in talking to jurors, it becomes clear they opted for a huge award to spur change.