If that doesn't, then perhaps the next huge taxpayer-paid bailout of Wall Street, which is coming after the 2012 elections, will do so.
Only then can Congress reform deposit insurance so that taxpayers won't face another huge bailout.
The sparkassen and the governments had to launch huge bailouts.
My bet is that the banks will say that they will need yet another huge bailout to prevent the world economy collapsing.
It collapsed in 1989, requiring a huge bailout.
The immediate drama is a huge bailout for bankrupt thrifts.
President Bush responded to the problem just three weeks after taking office with a courageous proposal for a huge bailout and stiffer regulation.
But in 1989, when Washington threw up its hands and authorized that huge bailout, it took back the accounting goodies.
A huge bailout is neither needed nor expected by the Poles.
But now the Japanese government, already deep in debt, cannot afford another huge bailout.