And he is a huge believer in second chances because, well, he gave himself one.
Parker, who said he's not "not a huge believer in direct democracy," is exploring ways to leverage social media to influence politics with investments such as Votizen.
She told the audience that she's a "huge believer in reading being fun."
"I am a huge believer that the Internet will dwarf anything we have seen before," he said.
I'm a huge believer in making change happen from the bottom up - people have got to want to be involved, rather than be coerced by rules.
We are huge believers in the power of technology to accelerate the efficiency of commerce, the productivity of workers.
"We're huge believers in hiring potential."
"I'm a huge believer in the forces of the market and the audience's ability to make choices among various channels," Mr. Heyward of CBS said.
And the Solarians are huge believers in 'self-determination.'
She has clearly mastered the theory of Barclays Global's heavily quantitative work - she calls herself a "huge believer" that investing should be considered science, not art.