It was not an entirely pleasant thing, the huge computer mused, this friendship.
The topper was the huge computer lining the entire wall at the end of the room.
The country seems made up not of people thinking things through but of a huge blinking computer spewing readouts.
Their main tools are huge computers and a global network of 26 radar stations and six telescopes.
"He's just like a huge computer that has absorbed a ton of information," he said.
Sales declined for the huge call-switching computers bought by foreign governments.
Finally, the film showed the heart of the new hospital: the huge computer, both digital and analog.
We're programs running on a huge computer at the end of time.
"Not very long ago, to make the computations needed, you had to have huge multimillion-dollar computers working overnight."
The wall that Clifford was looking at Was, in effect, one huge computer display screen.