Both teams have their fans, but a huge contingent who simply want to latch on to a winner are waiting for one to emerge.
He provided only five minutes for the huge contingent of reporters in the locker room.
There was not, as there is today, a huge contingent of men in their 40's and 50's who have given up.
So does the huge contingent of temporary workers who often take slots once held by higher-paid regular employees.
Thousands pressed barriers set up blocks away by a huge contingent of riot police.
Why did we send such a huge contingent of ground troops in the first place?
A huge tabloid contingent has followed him everywhere.
We had a huge contingent, I think, primarily because Woody was a little bit off the deep end in those years.
But as the sun set, they held another rally, then marched a mile before a huge contingent of policemen halted their advance.
Though security forces prepared, as they have in the past, with a huge contingent of nearly 30,000 soldiers and police officers, there were no mass rallies.