But for Christmas, he gave me a huge crucifix.
A huge crucifix thumps on his chest.
King Olav had seen a huge crucifix, a green cross with a human figure.
Tonight he had only one wristwatch on, and the white rim of a T-shirt showed instead of his chain and huge gilded crucifix.
From the corner of my eye I saw her dangling the huge crucifix over me.
Through the open door Zen could just make out the huge ornate crucifix above the high altar.
Jude and Allen Ginsberg are later seen at the foot of a huge crucifix, apparently talking to Jesus.
There was a huge crucifix at the center of the sanctuary and the floor was changed to marble.
In part centre a huge crucifix is found.
Should we remove the huge crucifixes on mountain tops which tower over cities and valleys?