A decade ago, the Town of Oyster Bay made a huge excavation at Plainview to prepare for a landfill.
Two city trucks had already disgorged a dozen men near the corner where they were ready to finish a huge excavation in the street.
In better times and with open space travel, this could have become a huge excavation or even a tourist destination, but now Pym was empty.
At first the project didn't resemble a book at all, but a sort of huge excavation like a mining operation.
The only remnants of that huge excavation were a length of road and a tunnel opening.
On the point of urging the bay on, he realized that they stood on the edge of a clay precipice, above a huge excavation.
With a huge excavation outside the window of her loft in an industrial neighborhood, Rebecca Dwyer, an artist, has been exasperated and inspired by the Big Dig.
The right branch ended after a dozen meters, opening into the top level of a huge, irregular excavation, a jagged, underground amphitheater dozens of meters across.
The Kailash Temple was created through a single, huge top-down excavation 100 feet deep down into the volcanic basaltic cliff rock.
The huge excavations now form lakes and a nature reserve.