Many years ago, before people came to live on the earth, great trees and tall grasses and huge ferns and all the beautiful flowers cover the earth.
She finished her last twenty sit-ups, then propped herself up against one of the huge, yellow-leafed ferns and wiped her face with a towel.
The icy moonlight filtered into the lobby area, which had thick, new carpet, furniture covered in pale velveteen, mirrored counters, and huge, delicate ferns.
Dwarf trees gave way to huge ferns as we came to the edge.
The area was planted with huge ferns.
Levine turned away, staring at the huge ferns overhead, releasing the accumulated tension of the climb in long shuddering breaths.
Often when a huge potted fern or beautiful hanging fern plant begins to yellow or lose fronds rapidly, suspect scale.
At ground level, huge ferns, gleaming with moisture, grew higher than a man's chest and held the low ground fog.
He stepped from behind a huge fern into full view.
There's this huge fern in it.