I looked up at the huge hulk.
Out into the limelight of the spot strode, jerked, would be a better word, the huge hulk that was Billy Boy.
He noted puffy lips; he realized that the driver of the other car must be a huge hulk of a fellow.
I felt almost as if he were dead inside, voiceless and inanimate, a silent, huge hulk of a man.
He was a huge hulk of a man who, Spock estimated, must weigh almost 300 pounds.
The huge hulk broke apart, leaving only a cartilaginous husk of support ribs and rings.
Amanda saw it more clearly now, a huge black hulk of a thing with piercing green eyes.
The alley was filled with the huge black hulk of a four-horse closed coach.
Calvin's huge hulk was hover- ing near the glass-fronted bookcase.
One hundred yards later, Pitt stopped and looked up at the huge black hulk that loomed in the darkness.