They resembled whales lined up outside the headmaster's office - huge humps sprawled over many kilometres.
Instead of having a huge hump and a hideously deformed face, he only has a small curve in his spine and a slightly deformed face.
The Mouse joined her a moment later, and the Mock Turtle, finding no furniture that would accommodate the huge, horny hump on its back, stood in a corner, from which it could observe all of them.
Richard took her hand and led her from the odd room, through the new doorway, down a stairway and through a dank, wet room with a stone floor that mounded into a huge hump in the center.
But his joints did not articulate properly and there was a huge hump on his back.
They both saw the explosion, a huge circular, milky hump on the surface when the sea erupted.
She drew pictures of camels, misshapen things with one huge hump.
He was grotesquely deformed, with a huge hump on his back; gnarled, dwarfed legs; and long, twisted arms.
They were taller and rangier, with huge humps over their shoulders, and the span of their horns was so wide as to appear grotesque, the weight almost too much for even their heavy frames to support.
There were huge humps of earth standing with their sides sheered away, looking precarious and wobbly without the support they used to have.