Blossom would have been a suitable name for the large oilman who arrived in a huge lorry to deliver the central heating oil.
At the back of a huge lorry, free samples of Bahlsen biscuits are being dispensed.
From then on, it was working around the clock with tons of gear filling 3 huge lorries.
The huge lorry is forced to mount the kerb to avoid a collision with the oncoming car.
This will help prevent huge lorries from being sent down inappropriate roads and ensure motorists are given the best possible directions.
We came around the corner of a building to find a huge articulated lorry parked outside the mayor's house.
Nowadays cattle are usually sent to the market in huge lorries known as road-trains.
On the side of huge lorries: 'logistics' and 'solutions'.
Firstly, the Commission proposals to allow the introduction of huge lorries, referred to as gigaliners, should be rejected.
(The fact that a huge lorry was passing by at that time must have been coincidental, I'm sure.)