All I could see at that distance was a huge, bushy white mustache.
He turned his head and signaled his mate, a stocky man with a huge black mustache.
An old man with a huge and bristling gray mustache and white eyes appeared on the bridge.
Moochhwala who was a detective with penetrating eyes and a huge mustache.
The husband was a small man with a huge brown mustache and huge hands.
The man was dark, swarthy, with a huge black mustache.
The girl tried not to look at him but turned and saw him grin under his huge mustache.
He wore a huge white mustache, with long drooping ends.
"Number one," the captain called, to be answered by a man in his thirties with a huge handlebar mustache.
A waiter drifted by, a different one, with huge spiked mustaches.