The government has been pressing the banks to merge to help streamline the country's financial system, which is struggling with a huge overhang of bad debts.
There is a huge overhang of planning consents which have not resulted in development.
The dormouse led them to the east side of the rock, where a huge overhang projected over a pool that was both wide and deep.
The day was going well, but there was still the problem of that huge overhang that appeared to dominate the view from all directions.
With little to buy in the shops, the result has been the build-up of a huge 'monetary overhang'.
The market's decline created a huge overhang of selling pressure -enough to crush the equity markets in the following week.
This could cause huge overhang in prices and see valuations plumment.
"The whole world now realises that the huge overhang of debt means that the recovery will take longer and be harder than had been hoped," he added.
What this huge amount means, of course, is that the underwriter's interest in the company will remain a huge overhang on the stock price.
There is a huge overhang of consumer and business debt.