And the sponsorships have provided huge payouts to the universities whose teams play in them.
In the old days, for instance, most staff members did not expect huge payouts.
A huge payout will certainly accelerate this practice.
The huge payouts enabled the Pilgrims to not only survive but flourish in subsequent years.
The commitments required Enron to make huge payouts to investors in the trusts if certain events occurred.
During that time of huge payouts for newly public and acquired companies, they usually chose No. 2.
The criminal gangs which plague Guatemala City think she received a huge payout and are making threats, demanding a cut.
In the end, huge payouts may go to some of the nation's wealthiest and most aggressive financiers.
While they list a variety of injuries, together they are seeking a huge payout - $1.3 billion.
Newzbin Ltd went into administration soon after the ruling and avoided the huge payouts.