Apartment buildings and factories, among them a huge steel combine, were built simultaneously.
The huge steel plow was raised twelve inches off the street; but that was not quite high enough to pass safely over Bollinger.
Most frightening, though, was the huge steel brace that kept his head immobile.
They were confronted by the huge steel interlocking blast doors leading out to the fjord; the way was barred completely.
It seemed to be pushing out of her head, a long, shaft-like thing, reaching right across the space between them, like a huge, long, invisible steel tongue.
It was a huge steel flatbed trailer, perhaps a hundred feet long.
Germyn touched the huge steel riser-merely touched it, wonderingly.
During his travels he encountered huge steel and concrete watertight doors that could seal off whole sections, or one level from another.
Once the acidity is right, huge, mechanical, stainless steel forks are switched on to cut the curd into large chunks.
On the front of the truck was a huge steel horizontal beam, painted olive-drab like the rest of the vehicle.