The car was sinking below us, into a huge gloomy vault where the sun was a stranger.
Their flashlights showed the way to the huge vault they wanted.
They keep them in a huge vault, along with the safe-deposit boxes.
The owners noted that the building also has a huge vault at its core, which is now used by Affiliated as storage space.
Amânar had a powerful floor routine and huge vaults that put her in the lead after two rotations.
Safe, Venturi, safe - in that huge vault behind me.
He chuckled as he saw the interior of a huge vault.
Glendenning needed a big desk because he was big and his mind ran to large things, including the huge vault behind him.
He was in a huge, honeycombed vault that curved over his head.
Above, the huge vault is entirely frescoed by Tiepolo.