It was a hugely complex job successfully done.
Asking millions of people who don't know much about a hugely complex topic to give a yes/no answer on it.
Perhaps the mayor's boldest move is the effort to change the school budgeting system, a hugely complex undertaking about which he offered scant details.
The economy is a hugely complex beast after all.
The Operation involved a piece of hugely complex alien technology that reconfigured itself every once in a while.
The climate system is hugely complex, and no mathematical model can perfectly reflect all of its intricate processes in perfect detail.
The plan also oversimplifies a hugely complex problem.
I'm sure he's hugely complex, with a massive personality and massive ambition.
But, as I said before, it is not only a strategy with regard to drugs; it is a hugely complex situation.
This is a hugely complex set of changes to nearly every Google application, and there's no effective way to test it without putting it out there.