Only the computer hummed smoothly and the candles were blinking on the screen.
In five seconds the turbine is humming smoothly, and the rotors are only a blur and a half-sensed pressure overhead.
Behind him, the motor hummed smoothly.
The feed tubes from his backpack magazine hummed smoothly as they supplied the gaussrifles with fresh ammunition.
It coughed a couple of times, then began to hum smoothly.
The power light still blazed on the turret's twin weapons, and the training gear hummed smoothly when she hit the pedal.
And apart from the kind of instructions necessary to keep the ship humming smoothly, he hadn't put ten words together.
As the generator hummed smoothly, the cabin lights flickered on, then glowed into steady brightness.
But it coughed to life at the first turn, and hummed smoothly as it warmed.
The well-oiled machine was in high now, humming smoothly, pulling its load.