Unlike many waterfowl, Mallards have benefited from human alterations to the world.
Sadly, a number of the cases point back to human alteration of the environment.
The valley owes its special appearance to both its natural shape and human alterations.
Threats to this species include grazing, recreation, natural flooding and human alterations in water regimes, and horticultural collecting of the bulbs and flowers.
But experts stressed that no single storm, or single stormy season for that matter, could be singled out as linked to human alteration of the atmosphere.
But much of what nature has thrown at the state in recent years has made a mockery of human alteration.
It has responded well to human alteration of the landscape and is a common sight in urban lawns, parks, and gardens.
One of the reasons for increased expansion is due to human alteration.
O. albiventer has been affected by human alteration of its habitat, but likely still survives.
This may arise from human alteration of habitats enabling related allopatric species to overlap.