While there she is sexually harassed by her host (to put it gently), imprisoned in an empty cesspool and made to "compose this revolting record of human calamity."
When they are plunged in the lowest abyss of human calamity, they are sure to be visited by me.
This was a human calamity, a summer theater festival for university students that ended with the deaths of 13 young people from one theater troupe alone, and the government's primary response was to focus on security.
We cannot delay planning for the environmental and human calamities that lie ahead.
Given the human calamity that so often accompanies conflict, the U.N.'s civilians must continue to risk their lives to save those of countless others.
Johnson joked that there was "enough in reserve... I intend to put my heroine into the ecclesiastical court of Lichfield which will fill up the utmost measure of human calamity".
But in an airplane hangar housing roughly 1,300 refugees is a view of the human calamity this disaster wrought.
The eastern quarter of downtown Los Angeles is a cattle pen, an outdoor outhouse, a human calamity.
Particular reliefs, also, fit themselves to human calamities, for the world will be in equilibrium, and hates all manner of exaggeration.
It certainly does not describe fliers who must go at a moment's notice in the event of serious illness, death, accident or other human calamity.