A very human destruction, incinerating cities and poisoning the air.
Desperate, Joshua drops into a valley where he finds a recent fire pit, along with other, more disturbing signs of human destruction and cruelty.
He sees it as compensation for previous human destruction of predators, like the mountain lion, that once kept the deer herds under control.
But starlings fail to compete with human destruction of the environment.
The story shows war's cyclical nature and the psychological and human destruction ultimately caused to both sides.
What grasp of evil or the possibilities of human destruction could we have?
The biggest threat to the population of this species is human destruction of their habitat.
Intentional human destruction, however, should also be considered.
Here there is a much greater and more extended "episode" of human destruction.
Battra was created by Earth's life force to defend the planet from various threats, such as meteorites and human destruction of the environment.