That would only provide us with a different route over the cliff of human fallibility.
On that occasion we began by discussing mistakes and human fallibility.
It was an old reminder in the Sisterhood of human fallibility.
Andromeda had held that there was no need for this but the others were all too conscious of human fallibility.
For people whose knowledge of the situation is limited, the evening provided a crash course in global politics and human fallibility.
She stared out at another world brought to ruin by human fallibility.
Sure, we get things wrong, but it is generally as the result of human fallibility, not deliberate transgression.
Careful scientific investigation, not common sense, is the best safeguard against human fallibility.
What was needed was a little human fallibility, enough to know the ropes and who pulled them.
"He's someone who understands the nuances of human fallibility more than almost any other director I know."