Another theory is that the 260-day period came from the length of human gestation.
The 260-day cycle is conceived as linked firmly to worldly or earthly affairs, mirroring no astronomical period but rather the period of human gestation.
Nancy explains human gestation and that they have three children.
Ninhursag's period of gestation is described as lasting nine days, a day for each month of human gestation.
The name Foundation 41 derives from the normal duration of human gestation (40 weeks) plus the first week of life after birth.
It had been only three months since this became evident, because of the period of human gestation.
During approximately day 22 of human gestation, the paired pronephri appear towards the cranial end of the intermediate mesoderm.
Heterotypic cortex consists of those areas of the mature neocortex that deviate markedly from the homogeneous six-layered internal structure seen in the third trimester of human gestation.
Ultrasound readings can tell us an amazing amount about human gestation.
The length of this calendar coincides with the average duration of human gestation.