It might be that Gabriel was the only human heartbeat in the entire universe.
He remembered; the beat had been identical with the human heartbeat.
'Has the way been discovered to restore the human heartbeat through electrical shock?'
The sounds came close to resembling a human heartbeat, but probably were not, investigators said.
"The single-cylinder action is like a human heartbeat," defined Durand.
When she opened them, the blue lights were blazing, pulsating to the rhythm of a human heartbeat.
"If he turns up his hearing and actually listens, he'll hear that you don't have a human heartbeat," said Wayne.
He would have to stop that, their hearing was keen enough to pick a human heartbeat out of the background noise.
Outside, in the space of a human heartbeat, two things happened.
One of the touchable sculptures is a swing, which when ridden produces a human heartbeat.