The July 14 article "A Highway Campaign to Save Animals" is a testament to human hubris.
Along with cosmology it is slowly chipping away at human hubris and introspection.
Thus does Knox offer the sort of critique of human hubris that made Robert Sullivan's book "Rats" so memorable.
It is an inventive take on human hubris and the fall of civilizations, never mind that the ideas involved are hackneyed.
To skeptics, the walls represent human hubris in the belief that nature can be confronted and controlled.
These hellish visions hang like evangelical warnings against human hubris.
Most visions of extraterrestrial life are actually steeped in human hubris.
The compact between human hubris and diabolical intelligence raises the old tale to its cultural peak in Goethe's Faust.
Instead they talk about clean water, native species and human hubris.
Produced and written by Ginny Weissman, this sober and informative program offers a no-nonsense account of nature's response to human hubris.