Your article makes clear the basic human inclination to migrate from bad to better circumstances.
But the castration, against all nature, of such a god, making him a god of goodness alone, would be contrary to human inclination.
Finally, my theory isn't really about peers: It's about the human inclination to affiliate with a group.
She had the natural human inclinations toward eavesdropping, but lately, she had been careful not to hear anything but what she must.
I look forward to the brain scans proving the acquired human inclination for single currencies, neuroeuroism.
Asked if he still rooted for the Tigers, Smoltz seemed to fight a very human inclination to say yes.
In Iskafia-subjugation, the level for the ordinary person, holiness is freed from its exile by suppression of human inclinations in the service of mitzvot.
Sniffing the warm, steamy pig droppings, Jack becomes more primitive and dismisses his human inclinations.
His unquestioning faith in all the invisible gods had perhaps led him to overlook human inclinations and probabilities.
The concept of the treatment is based on the human inclination to identify with others through their expressions in literature and art.