Others highlight human incursions: reservoirs, a tunnel under a river, a campfire.
Despite human incursions like power lines and radio towers, Sibley feels wild and mysterious, especially on foggy mornings.
These gamma rays heated molecular clouds and prevented human incursions into several regions.
But since no human incursions had ever made it this far into Synchronized space, the robots would probably not be too vigilant.
He patrolled the mountains as always, alert for human incursion.
The hooded ball had not been illuminated for months, not since the first human incursion into the avian/sessile domain.
From its inception, the lakeshore park was punctuated by human incursions like a steel plant and a port.
"Your risky scheme has completely failed to halt the human incursion, Degra!"
Both include wilderness, an altogether more delicate asset that is to some degree marred by almost any human incursion.
The extravagant cost of travel to some destinations helps to protect them from human incursion, thereby safeguarding myths whose existence we relish.