Moreover, other recognition targets exist, for example ligands induced on human macrophages by TLR stimulation.
This virus can use this mechanism to infect human macrophages, causing a normally mild viral infection to become life threatening.
Consider a scenario where C. psittaci has parasitized a host niche where 3-hydroxyanthranilate is a prominent metabolite, as in human macrophages [ 42].
Previous studies have shown morphological and histochemical heterogeneity of human intestinal macrophages, with a distinct population being prominent in inflammatory bowel disease.
HIV is then unable to enter human macrophages and T-cells.
To enrich for clones with increased survival in human macrophages, the library was passed through THP-1 macrophages as shown schematically in Figure 1.
Emr1 is a transmembrane protein present on the cell-surface of human macrophages, which are derived from the myeloid lineage.
Leishmania then invades human macrophages and replicates intracellularly.
In order to apply his findings to human subjects, he examined human peritoneal macrophages for the possibility of transfusing them between individuals.
Two positions are available in the Department of Respiratory Medicine to study gene activation in human alveolar macrophages.