Number Two got up quickly, going through the human motions of dusting himself off, despite the lack of dust.
He felt almost at peace, drawn in to all that human motion, as if he were being borne by a river towards his goal.
Then she nodded, not quite the human up-and-down motion but a circular bobbing of her head.
A great deal of analysis over human motion is needed because human movement is very complex.
A mechanical, precise motion, like something not human.
Coyote dropped his head in a very human motion, and sighed so deeply I was surprised he didn't start coughing.
One of the three scampered forward a little and shook its head in a shockingly human motion.
"The sensors will measure common human motions and turn them into actions," he predicted.
The Weaver clasped its hands in a very human motion of delight.
Several companies have begun making devices that charge batteries based on regular human motion.