The Purple Man had long been assumed to be a human mutate, but has referred to himself on occasion as a human mutant.
For the dogs had watched for more than a hundred years, had been the police force that kept the human mutants under observation.
Apparently this unearthly upstart thinks his capabilities are boundlessly beyond those of your human mutants.
CC had made the change in space-travel policy, and the birth of human mutants had halted.
Yet they were, in their fashion, quite similar to human mutants; that came through more and more strongly.
The human mutants must take a step into the unknown, a step that no human has taken before.
Spengler thinks they were a sub-breed of human mutant.
The child was a mutant, but it was a human mutant.
A few years later, another mutant, Romulus claimed that some human mutants evolved from canines instead of primates.
"Could be human mutants, maybe genetic-tailored, who've infiltrated."