Many of these helpless beasts were deformed, like human mutations, and some of them had the ability to probe with their minds into other minds.
Although it was in-calculably rare, he had encountered this unique human mutation before.
Because this would put human mutation on a par with that of the more psi-evolved animals.
She received the ministrations of the mysterious, nearly mythological Swimmers, the severest of human mutations.
He must believe in human mutation and in a world divided and embattled.
But even more, he spawned a whole group of people who went on to study human mutations.
She later studied to become a specialist in the field of mutagenics and began her research into the human mutation that created superhuman abilities.
There would have been a lot of human mutation.
What could have been the reason for this extraordinary rate of human mutation from Type O to Type A?
He is also an advance student of genealogy, human mutation, and the effects of cosmic radiation.