A quarter of a million of them tucked within her human ovaries!
Other estrogen supplements are made of estradiol, a synthetic copy of the kind produced by human ovaries.
The human ovary contains a population of primordial follicles.
Studies attempting to replicate these results are underway, but a study of populations in 325 human ovaries found no supporting evidence for follicular replenishment.
While working as a research fellow in the early 1980s, Poretsky became known for discovering, describing and characterizing insulin receptors in the human ovary.
The material (mouse or human ovaries) must be obtained as fresh as possible.
To prove their theory, researchers grafted sections of human ovaries into mice and then exposed them to the hydrocarbons.
Where, where, in God the Father's name even on Kline Station, are you going to come up with 450 human ovaries?
Many of the features found in human ovaries are common to all vertebrates, including the presence of follicular cells, tunica albuginea, and so on.
Although some clinics have been experimentally freezing human ovaries, and at least one is selling the service, no woman has yet had a baby as a result.