The slight quaver that gives human dimension to great voices (and, when out of control, human pathos to ruined voices) is not what you're after.
In spite of the uncouth verbiage of the old narrative, there is a touch of human pathos about it which makes it worthy of reproduction.
Here, too, the human pathos is all in the subtext.
The unique rituals during the Aswathy festival clearly convey the firm bondage and human pathos at the time of separation between the people and their beloved Bhagavathy.
The question remains, however, why is it that human pathos or passion is the most precious thing?
I simply can't handle that much human pathos around the holidays.
Stories in this collection alternate between absurd scenarios imbued with recognizable human pathos, and apparently ordinary tales pitched at an oblique angle that reveals their true strangeness.
But then that very fanaticism in the Secretary has a human pathos, and is almost a redeeming trait.
Shakespeare, George Bernard Shaw, Robert Graves and many others have mined this era for its epic incident and human pathos.
Up until the age of nearly thirty we find in his work a depth of religious feeling and human pathos which is his own.