Standardization, they claim, is simply another version of the human propensity for the development of "types".
Some mysteries, of course, have robust, scientific explanations but depend on the human propensity for self-deception to be seen as supernatural.
The central theme throughout the novel involves the natural human propensity to search for meaning with the constant risk of apophenia.
Japan has extremely low crime rates, but the human propensity for odd behavior is a global phenomenon.
Spock often remarked upon the human propensity to expend emotional energy on events which have not yet occurred.
Gregory waved his hands vaguely, a human propensity that always set Worf's teeth on edge.
He represents the human propensity to "toy with things that may destroy us."
Maoist China is a great example of the human propensity to worship authority figures.
I was always amused by the human propensity for borrowing names and concepts out of the past history of their planet.
The human propensity to classify extends beyond skin color.